I love how gymnastics sensation Katelyn Ohashi inspires us to dance and be free to be ourselves. On Good Morning America she addresses her past insecurities about her body image in an original poem. She says, “I am my own size and no words or stares will make me compromise.”
Life can be an adventure if you see it the right way – we can conquer and move mountains ⛰ and battle and defeat giants with the courage of our faith. Dare to dance to a higher beat when you get out of bed in the morning amidst the situations you may face and be the light and joy in someone’s life – we were made to be the difference in the world – what are you going to do to embrace the adventure before you and help someone along your path?
iCarly star Jennette McCurdy gives some inspiring advice on following your passions….View More »
Quotes For DreamLivers
Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. — Zig Ziglar (American motivational speaker and author)
Editor’s Desk
Hi, I'm Julene, editor and director of Dreamer ENT. The goal of this site is to inspire young people, and the young at heart, to pursue their passions boldly and brilliantly...