Opportunity: Girls Going Places Entrepreneurship Award Program & Conferences

Here’s a great entrepreneurship opportunity for girls, the Girls Going Places Entrepreneurship Award Program. The contest is giving grants to girls who have creative business ideas. Visit http://www.girlsgoingplaces.com for more information, to see last years winners and to download an application.
Thanks to teen business coach Shonika Proctor from the Teen Entrepreneurship Blog for the heads up!
Description From the Website:
The Girls Going Places® Entrepreneurship Award Program is celebrating its prestigious 10th anniversary by opening its 2010 award program for entries.
Deadline: February 26, 2010. Submissions received after the deadline date will be entered in the 2011 competition.
See below for more info on the contest and local area conferences:
This annual Guardian initiative is designed to reward the enterprising spirits of girls ages 12 to 18. Guardian awards prizes to 15 girls who demonstrate budding entrepreneurship; are taking the first steps toward financial independence; and are making a difference in their schools and communities. Every year, prizes totaling $30,000 are granted to three top winners and 12 finalists to further their entrepreneurial pursuits or save for college.Submissions will be accepted through February 26, 2010. Teachers, parents, and community members are encouraged to nominate accomplished young female entrepreneurs between the ages of 12 and 18. Adults can nominate girls by submitting a 750-word essay endorsing accomplished young female entrepreneurs. Nominees must also write a 250-word personal statement on entrepreneurship, leadership, financial independence, or giving back to the community.
The first, second and third place winners receive prizes of $10,000, $5,000 and $3,000, respectively. The 12 finalists are granted prizes of $1,000 each. Girls can use the award to reinvest in their entrepreneurial projects or to save for college.
Girls Going Places also has local area conferences that you can find about on the website:
Girls Going Places® Entrepreneurship Conferences. For young women today, economic independence is a viable route to the greater goal of self-reliance. To this end, Guardian sponsors one-day Girls Going Places® Entrepreneurship Conferences for girls ages 12-18, in conjunction with local agencies in various towns and cities. The conferences listed are designed to encourage financial literacy and help girls learn about starting businesses and managing personal finances. Successful local business women share their ideas and experience as mentors.
2010 Local Program Schedule
March 2010 Columbus, OH
March 2010 Pittsburgh, PA
April 2010 Jacksonville, FL
April 2010 Minneapolis, MN
May 2010 Ft Myers, FL
June 2010 Washington, DC
September 2010 Miami, FL
November 2010 West Palm, FL