About the Founder & Editor
Julene, founder and editor of Dreamer ENT, and president of a multimedia company Envibrance Studios, is a young creative journalist, help with research paper entrepreneur, writer, designer, artist, and dreamer. Her passion is to inspire and empower youth to be confident, creative and constructive and teach them that they have the power to change the world. Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in public health with an emphasis in maternal and child health, she aims to help nurture a generation of healthy dreamers and doers.
(For more information, visit Julene’s resume website www.julenefleurmond.com).
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Julene has been dreaming and creating entrepreneurial ventures ever since she was a child. Growing up in a poor neighborhood but driven by a passion for art and writing, she launched her first business in elementary school, selling handmade greeting cards and copies of a magazine she created, to family, friends and teachers.
Julene later developed her entrepreneurial skills at the Miami Dade College Institute for Youth Entrepreneurship Program and NFTE camp, and the Black Enterprise Magazine’s Teenpreneur Program, where she developed her business Envibrance.

One segment of Envibrance is Art for Humanity, a non-profit art enrichment program that mentors youth, sponsors toy drives and art contests, and provides graphic design services to schools and positive programs catering to youth. This venture has allowed Julene to reach out to children who are much like she was as a child, growing up in the inner-city. She has witnessed that using the arts as an outlet can give disadvantaged youth self-confidence to face struggles in their lives.
Envibrance has won various awards such as 2005 NFTE National Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, two City of Miami Proclamations and the Miami Herald Silver Knight Award in New Media. Julene has been featured in publications such as The Miami Herald, the National Urban League’s Opportunity Journal, and South Florida CEO Magazine. Julene recently graduated from Southern Methodist University with a degree in journalism, and has plans to expand Envibrance into a larger inspirational media company with an even greater range of products and services. When considering the bigger picture of her life, she often reflects on words of the Indian political and spiritual leader, Mohandas Ghandi: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
As a journalist Julene has had the opportunity to interview notable people such as mega-preneur and music pioneer Russell Simmons and other entrepreneurs and professionals. She has also served as a public relations director for a television/multimedia talk show where she helped facilitate and promote events and episodes with such people as Hill Harper, Tina Knowles and Kwame Jackson. Julene has contributed creative content and writing to organizations such as the National Urban League, Harvard School of Public Health, Collegepreneur Magazine, The Daily Mustang, Young Black Starz, and several other organizations.
Visit Envibrance Studios to learn more about my company and clothing/stationery line – Envibrance Dream Creations.
I’m available to speak at youth events, schools and conference about youth entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, presentations inspiring children and teens to embrace literacy, arts & creativity, messages/activities for children’s & youth ministry events, and creative workshops about dreams, goals, college preparation and to inspire girls to be confident.