For Girls

Angela and Vanessa Simmons at the the Essence Young Women’s Conference


angelavanessaessenceIn the video below, a young journalist covered Essence Magazine’s 1st Young Women’s Leadership Conference that took place in November 2008, in Washington, D.C. The conference was aimed at supporting young women to be prepared for the workforce, and featured a number of panelists.

Two of the panelists included young entrepreneurs and designers Angela and Vanessa Simmons, the daughters of Reverend Run, and co-founders of the Pastry fashion apparel line. The girls encourage young people to pursue entrepreneurship, and tell young people:

“…With determination, perseverance and hard work, that the things that they want are attainable no matter what… No matter what background they come from, no matter how old you are, there’s no deadline on dreams, and you should just keep pushing and keep going to achieve the things that you want to achieve… We want to be that little hope of inspiration that it does happen and it can happen.”

– Angela and Vanessa Simmons, at the Essence Women’s Youth Leadership Conference

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