Inspiration: Harriet Tubman on Dreams

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars, to change the world.”
— Harriet Tubman
About Harriet Tubman
February is Black History Month but learning from all history is something we can do daily. Learn about how Harriet Tubman made a mark on this world below:
Born into slavery in the early 1820s, Harriet Tubman became one of the most successful conductors on the Underground Railroad – the secret route used to free slaves in the south. In her nearly 20 trips to Southern states, it is estimated that she freed more than 300 slaves—never once losing a passenger.During the Civil War, Tubman worked for the Union Army as a cook, laundress, and spy. Her deep understanding of the back roads and woodlands from Pennsylvania to South Carolina made her a natural for infiltrating Confederate lines and identifying potential targets. In her later years, Tubman also became involved in women’s rights and frequently spoke at meetings and conventions on her life as a slave, an Underground Railroad conductor, and as a free black woman.
Well-respected and widely renowned in life, she became an American icon in the years after her death in 1913. She not only inspired generations of African-Americans struggling for equality, but she also continues to earn praise from politicians and historians for her contributions to American and its people.