Julene’s Gems of Inspiration: Live in Full Color
Live in full color, to the full…take risks, climb your way up the mountains of your dreams, dance randomly in public (my friends know me for this) find yaself some fun new adventures… try something you’ve never done before and immerse yourself in it – you never know what will happen and what you’ll discover.
Meet someone new whose life and passions are a different color or background than you and spread Love everywhere you go (I’m a formerly shy extreme introvert who now chats with strangers at every turn).
This is how I’ve been aiming to live my life, to explore, reach out for the unknown and the new, to dream far and high, take bold leaps of faith and never let fear of what’s unexpected be an excuse for what God has in store… Let’s embrace and enjoy this adventure of purpose & experiencing this life in it’s fullest with Love in full bloom…
“Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.” – Maya Angelou
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Editor’s Inspiration: Be a Warrior of Love and Live Your Dreams

Let’s all be warriors of Love… We can change the world when we see and encourage one another, from the young to the oldest, to be our fullest selves! Ya see all those people around you each day, even the ones you’ve accidentally overlooked or think you’re different from? Each one of them is a reflection of God’s heart, made to connect with Him in love and the dreams in their hearts are planted there by Him…
When you get free to live in your fullness you get to set other people free to flourish & live in full color too. We become like the beautiful family we were meant to be…
Life’s a journey of growth and evolving – we weren’t made to conform to society’s image of perfection but to be the best we can be in the masterpiece called our bodies and the world God put our spirits in and in whatever our dreams are… So dream high & believe bigger warrior, don’t stop creating & loving. You are loved more than you can imagine and make the world better just by being in it… *In the whisper from A Wrinkle in Time: #BeAWarrior
I made this video inspired by Ava DuVernay’s movie “A Wrinkle in Time” starring Storm Reid. Have you seen it yet? If not be sure to see it online or on DVD!
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Editor’s Inspiration: Shine Bright, Your Light Matters
Your light matters!? It doesn’t matter how many people are doing what you love to do, no one can do it and bring your ideas, personality and heart like you can! You were made to shine your light to be the change in the world so don’t ever let anything stop you from being the unique person you were made to be!
What’s a dream you’re working on today and what’s a step you can take to shine your unique light into the world?
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Julene’s Gems of Inspiration: Be Free To Be Yourself
I used to be afraid to be myself, but am learning that trying to be “normal” to fit in is pretty time-consuming & boring…
It really is the ones who are misfits who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world that will! Embrace your freedom – you were created in Love to dream and to be different, unique, creative, yourself – so be free and be YOU! Shine your light cause the world is a whole lot brighter with you in it, living on #Purpose… (P.S. if you can’t tell I love all things Disney, Minnie is my home girl;)
Love, Julene
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Arise and Shine Dare Dreamer, You Were Created to Create! Julene’s Gems of Inspiration
Shhh… listen closely. Do you hear that beautiful rhythm resonating from within, orchestrated by an invisible hand? It’s the sound and unseen evidence that you are flowing with potential and purpose, no matter your start or circumstance.
As long as you have breath you have a calling, a greater reason for being here – to love, to be loved, to flourish and make the world richer, brighter and more colorful and beautiful…
You were created to create so make time each day to express the story and dreams in your heart! Share hope and joy in full color to inspire the hearts and lives of others. Arise and shine, dear Dreamer – dare to illuminate hope and live out the life you were made for…I believe in you! – Julene Fleurmond, editor http://DreamerENT.com
P.S. Here’s a little sneak peek of a dream come true that I will share with you soon – stay tuned!
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