Balancing Act – Interview With Chelsea Staub On Living Her Dreams and Her Role on JONAS
Chelsea Staub is living in her dreams. You’ll see her in that real-life reverie each week starring on the hit Disney TV show JONAS L.A. She plays the ‘Stella Malone,’ friend on-screen and in real life to the Jonas Brothers, and she says she loves being able to express herself through acting. Chelsea started doing theater when she was a little girl and since then has fallen in love with performing.
Recently Dreamer ENT’s media partner the Valder Beebe Show chatted with Chelsea about the new season of JONAS L.A. that recently premiered. In the interview Chelsea talks about how she connects with her cast-mates, whether there’s a little real-life romance in air, balancing her career while staying grounded, and how the acting bug bit her at a young age.
Listen to the full conversation below:
Below Are Some Highlights from the Interview:
Chelsea On Balancing Her Career & Home Life
“…I think for me I really got into it for the acting. I grew up doing theater and I moved up to L.A. to continue to act, not to kind of make a name for myself, and so I think as far as that goes I’m happiest when I’m on set not when I’m on a carpet.
“And I think as far as my parents and my grandma and my friends – most of my friends aren’t even in the business. They don’t care they don’t want to talk about it, they want to go to the movies or the beach, and talk about boys. I think that’s what keeps me grounded, it’s just kind of surrounding myself with people who could care less if I was on a TV show or not… It’s like, let’s talk about something else, let’s talk about something we can all relate to, and that’s really refreshing…”
On Doing What She Loves
“I love it. It feels great, I feel like I was just one of those kids that just always wanted to perform in some capacity. I was always singing and dancing around the house, and then I was finally old enough to audition for some community theater, that’s when I really got the bug. It’s kind of putting on a show and feeling that great energy from the audience, and it was so gratifying when it was over.
“Then I actually did the Broadway tour of Showboat and that was the first time I realized that people actually make a living out of it, and get paid to perform. That’s when I got really kind of obsessed with it and I begged my parents to let me pursue it. You know I’ve just been really lucky of course, but I also worked pretty much from the time I was 6-years-old to just be acting or singing or performing.”
- Chelsea Staub
For more on Chelsea visit her website at and follow her on Twitter at You can also catch JONAS L.A. Sunday nights at 8:30pm EST on the Disney Channel.
Check out the video below where Chelsea and Jonas co-star Nicole Anderson talk about the new season:

Chatting With Chelsea
Here are more facts about Chelsea Staub, from her website.
Whose career would you like to model yours after?
I admire beautiful actresses who aren’t afraid to make fun of themselves and who are able to do a wide range of roles. People like Goldie Hawn, Debra Messing, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Meg Ryan and Reese Witherspoon.
What was your favorite academic subject in school?
I actually liked math. I loved problem solving and it was my favorite subject until I hit high school and ran into a teacher that destroyed my interest in it. “One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch” was never truer.
What was your first paid acting gig?
My first paid job was in the national Broadway tour of “Showboat” and my first paid television commercial job was for Travelodge. The other girl that was cast with me happened to be Vanessa Hudgens! What a small world!
If you weren’t in entertainment, what would you do?
If I hadn’t followed the entertainment path, I think I might have gone into oceanography. We took a school field trip in sixth grade to the Catalina Island Marine Institute and I was fascinated. And some of my favorite family trips were to Sea World and different aquariums. I have always been interested in sea life.
How do you stay in shape?
It’s fortunate that I like healthy foods. Veggies and fruit and fish are my favorite things. But I also LOVE desserts and bread and pasta, so I try to exercise when I can. My main exercise is walking. I have a favorite 5 mile path that I walk at least 4-5 times a week. I also do sit-ups and push-ups, yoga and stretching. I love dance classes, but it’s difficult to make myself go at the end of a long work day.What do you do to relax?
I love a hot bubble bath and a book! I’ve also been known to lay a blanket on the floor and put on headphones and turn off all the lights and just zone out to some great tunes.
Do you have any hobbies?
I love to travel, paint, write, take photographs and do scrapbooking projects.
What is your greatest strength?
Bouncing back. When things go wrong, I have a great ability to push it out of my head and stay focused on the task at hand and deal with it later.
What things do you want to improve on?
Not being such a perfectionist. I worry about a lot of tiny details that aren’t really important in the big picture. I would like to gain back some of the hours that I spend sweating about the small stuff.
What would you say to kids who want to get into the business?
My advice about getting into show business is to do everything you can – whether its school plays, community theater, talent shows, church choir or dance recitals – just find any opportunity to perform. I grew up doing musical theater in Arizona, and I can’t tell you how much having that experience and those credits on my resume helped when I decided to pursue this as a career. Theatre is so much fun, and you’ll learn blocking, timing, memorization and working with other actors plus find out quickly if this is something you truly love to do.
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