Happy New Year! Thanks for Your Support
Happy New Year! We hope this year is a wonderful one for you at school, home, and in following your dreams!
Thank you for your support in the past and in the upcoming year! Stay tuned to Dreamer ENT for new features this year and for more inspiration for your aspirations. Our mission is to show that young people can do amazing things, and to inspire you to utilize your talents right where you are and to share them with others.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars, to change the world.”
— Harriet Tubman
To keep updated with Dreamer ENT be sure to join our Facebook Page by clicking here. We will be launching exclusive contests and features for our Facebook Page members, so stay tuned. If you are already a member show your support by suggesting the page to a friend. You can do this by clicking “Suggest to Friends” under the FB profile picture and selecting friends you think would be inspired by Dreamer ENT.
Thank you again!
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Inspiring ENT Video: Pray by Justin Bieber
This Christmas season you may have gotten and given gifts, but a priceless give that anyone can give is love. Everyday we can ask ourselves, how can we serve and love others in our communities through our time and talents, and how will we put it into action? Justin Bieber reminds us all to support, think about and pray for people around the world who are suffering and less fortunate in the video for his song “Pray.” Monique Coleman described the beauty of the video on Twitter saying:
“One of my 8yr old friends just showed me Justin Bieber’s video for “Pray”. I’m SO proud to see him using his influence to raise awareness…
“Art is such a powerful tool & its always inspiring to see young artists using their influence in a positive way. We need more of that…Our talents & gifts aren’t meant to be wasted on selfish pursuits; they actually call us to bless others, give voice to issues, and teach…” – Monique Coleman
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Support Young Entrepreneurs – The NFTE Alumni Holiday Gift Guide

NFTE, an organization that helps young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods begin businesses (and the same organization that helped Dreamer ENT’s founder begin hers) has posted a cool Holiday Gift Guide featuring products created by young entrepreneurs and NFTE alumni. Support young entrepreneurs by considering purchasing one of these gifts, and get some inspiration on starting your own business.
Click here to view the NFTE Alumni Holiday Gift Guide.
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Gift Pick: Feathery Hair Accessories By a Young Entrepreneur
Still looking creative gift ideas, and want to support young entrepreneurs while shopping? Check out Marlo Adelle Hair Accessories a handmade and fashionable feathered hairclip line created by a teen business owner:
The Story Behind Marlo Adelle Hair Accessories
Marlo started making hair accessories to go with her outfits at age 14. Her friends requested personalized hair clips for themselves. Her mother helped her sew them and eventually they introduced them to local businesses in downtown Austin.
As demand increased, Marlo turned to Craig’s List for potential hairclip helpers. The helpers came to the family home, were trained and Marlo provided them patterns to trace. By the third year, Marlo was selling in 12 boutiques in Austin and in California, as well as online. In 2008 Whole Foods Market ordered her new line of romanticized feather hairclips with a vintage flare.
Giving Back
As Marlo continued to grow her business, she was involved in giving back to her community through volunteer efforts in PALS and teaching art at Laguna Gloria Art School. She traveled to the Dominican Republic to teach art to impoverished children. With three employees, Marlo plans to continue her business while in college and to expand the online business.
You can find out more about the business and how to order at www.marloadelle.com
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Contest: Win Signed Justin Biebers New My Worlds Acoustic CD Pack
Did you miss the last giveaway of Justin Bieber’s newest album “My Worlds Acoustic”? Here’s another chance to win a signed version from DreamerENT.com and Sweetyhigh.com!
This contest ends on Christmas Day, Dec 25, 2010, so be sure to enter as soon as you can.
To enter the giveaway:
Click here to sign in. Then when prompted, tell us what gift you would get for Justin Bieber for a chance to win!
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