Inspiring ENT Pick: Are You Happy Now?: Megan and Liz Step Up to Bullying With Music
Bullying is such an important topic, and it breaks my heart to see recent reports of young people who have been hurt and affected by it – words can have a bigger impact than we know. I was also affected by bullying when I was younger and I feel for those who can relate, and appreciate Megan and Liz for their inspiring efforts! Stay tuned for more information about Dreamer ENT’s Show Some Love Anti-Bullying Campaign. – Julene, Editor of
Youtube singing sensations Megan and Liz are twin sisters who took their passion for music and decided to share it with the world. The girls began posting Youtube covers a few years ago and began catching the attention of others; they were even surprised on the Oprah Winfrey Show and able to meet one of their inspirations Taylor Swift.
Recently Megan and Liz wrote a song called “Are You Happy Now?” to address the topic of bullying and how words and negative actions affect people so deeply. They got fans to submit photos for the music video and the compilation is really inspiring, watch the official video above and the fan submission video below.
You can visit to find out how you can take a stand against bullying too. Have you ever dealt with bullying or have seen it in your own school?
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Keke Palmer Asks For Your Help To End Bullying

Keke Palmer has been busy with both movie and music projects, and is also involved in The Saving Our Daughter’s Oath Project aimed at helping to end bullying and violence against girls and women. To support visit and “Like” the Facebook page at and sign the oath featuring 8 action steps to prevent bullying in your community and around the world. Watch Keke speak more about the campaign below:
Keke On Bullying and Loving Who You Are
“I have been a victim of bullying…but I have always just kept it moving no matter how people try to hurt me, however some people are not that strong, they need our help…” – Keke Palmer
Listen to this recent interview with Keke where she talks about the bullying campaign, her experiences and give some updates on her upcoming projects, including the new movie A Joyful Noise starring Queen Latifah and Dolly Parton, and her album which is scheduled for a 2012 release.
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Help Adele’s Literacy Library Raise Funds To Give Books To Youth in Africa
A while back on Dreamer ENT we interviewed Adele Ann Taylor , the founder of Adele’s Literacy Library (A.L.L.) who helps children embrace literacy through school readings, book donations and many other community projects. (Click here for the interview to learn more about Adele and A.L.L.)
This fall, Adele has partnered with an organization, Under the Acacia and in October 2011 A.L.L. says G.O. (Adele’s Literacy Library says Global Outreach) will break ground for the Loita Learning City in Kenya, Africa! Jointly, there will be a learning center with laptops and a library!
This sounds like a great project; anyone can help by donating to the cause!
How To Support A.L.L. says G.O. (Adele’s Literacy Library says Global Outreach)
Checks can be made out to Adele’s Literacy Library and earmarked ALL says GO.
Checks can be mailed to:
Adele’s Literacy Library
P.O. Box 1272
Williamstown, New Jersey 08094
Below: Some of the children and teachers at the Loita Hills Academy which Adele will be sponsoring.
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Today Show’s Kid Reporter Deidra Shores Speaks on Youth Obesity
Above: Deidra Shores with Dr. Oz after a news segment.
When the Today Show’s Kid Reporter Deidra Shores made her debut last year she captivated America with her infectious smile and energetic personality. If you missed it, check out our previous post about her first assignment after she won the Today Show competition. Since then she’s been busy interviewing athletes like Shaquille O’Neal and hosting various engagements celebrating African American History.
Below check out a recent report Deidra did on a topic she’s passionate about, her 1st Segment for Channel One News on Childhood Obesity. The segment aired this week nationwide in Middle Schools across the USA – go Deidra! The young people in the clip make great suggestions on healthier eating for anyone.
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Kind Campaign Spreads the Love
“You are the only you that will ever walk the face of this earth…BE KIND.” – Lauren Parsekian, co-founder of Kind Campaign
Mean girls, bullies, gossip – why do we see so much “mean” in schools today? Kind Campaign is a movement and documentary that’s not afraid to ask this question. The campaign is based upon the powerful belief in KINDness, that brings awareness and healing to the negative and lasting effects of girl-against-girl “crime” and bullying.
The movement was founded by Lauren Parsekian and Molly Stroud after they graduated from college and were tired of the conflicts they witnessed throughout their lives between girls. They are now speaking at schools across the country and spreading the love. Watch the trailer for the Finding Kind documentary below to see clips from the film. You can help spread the message of the campaign by filling out an apology or pledge on the website,
A Message to Girls From the Kind Campaign
Let’s be real for a second. We all want to be liked. It’s already hard enough to accept ourselves for who we are, let alone accept the perceptions and judgments that other girls have of us. Over the years, the vicious ways in which females treat each other have become societal norms. With various media outlets that mock and even glamorize the issue, it seems that society has simply concluded, “That’s the way girls are.” We disagree, because we believe that there is goodness within all females, even if that goodness has been shoved aside by the pressures society has placed upon us. What we fail to realize and choose to ignore is the fact that these experiences very often lead to depression, anxiety, loss of self worth, eating disorders, drug abuse, alcoholism, attempted suicide and actual suicide in millions of girls lives.
But why? Doesn’t it seem odd? Don’t you think that as females, we should respect and support each other? Well, we think so… “We” are two Pepperdine alumni, Lauren Parsekian and Molly Stroud, who have recognized this problem and have decided to do something about it. Whether it’s your friends, family, acquaintances at school, people in the workplace, or even strangers, Kind Campaign is asking us all to reconsider the way we treat other females.
Look, we know it’s hard to be a girl sometimes. We aren’t asking for everyone to become best friends…that’s simply unrealistic. However, we are suggesting something very simple: to STOP the competition, STOP the cattiness, STOP the hate, and to BE KIND.
More About the Kind Campaign
Through the Kind Campaign documentary, we hope to display the often-vicious way females treat each other, and to bring to light the serious affects these experiences can have on girl’s self-esteem and personal growth. Unfortunately, the affects of this issue extend further than a damaged self-esteem. Through research, personal experience, and interviews, we have seen these experiences result in depression, eating disorders, drug use, alcoholism, attempted suicide and actual suicide.
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