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Snap On Fashion: M3 Girl Designs

Young Entrepreneur Gift Guide

For the next few weeks on Dreamer ENT we’ll be featuring products by young entrepreneurs that would make great gift ideas. Check out the first installment below:


M3 Girl Designs – Bottle Cap Necklaces & Accessories

Pop on these creative bottle cap jewelry pieces and decorations created by a 13-year-old dreamer & entrepreneur…

m3girlssquareLooking for a cute and creative gift idea? You and your friends might like the colorful magnetic bottle-cap jewelry from M3 Girl Designs. These colorful creations were created by a young entrepreneur as a personal fashion statement and are now extremely popular:

When 10 year old Maddie Bradshaw had a desire to decorate her locker with something creative, Snap Caps® bottle cap necklaces were born and now are a “must have” accessory for tween girls.

With $300 of her own money and a unique idea, Maddie’s SNAP CAPS® have turned M3 Girl Designs into a national brand, selling 50,000 necklaces per month in less than two year’s time.

Education is important to Maddie, and in addition to her SNAP CAPS® designs, she is also currently working on her first book. It is an inspirational compilation of stories, inventive business ideas and marketing tools for kids with entrepreneurial spirit and big imagination.

Visit to find out how to order and to learn more about the story and fun behind M3 Girl Designs!

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Have You Joined the MOvement? Watch Monique Coleman’s Show Gimme MO

gimmemoupdateHave you been keeping up with the Gimme MO’ MO’vement? Monique Coleman has been challenging young people to change the way they look at the world with her new talk show for youth and we love how she is bringing awareness to important issues.

The latest episode of Gimme MO’ is called “Think Before You Ink” and is about encouraging teens to consider their future before getting tatoos. On past episodes Monique has also covered topics from Self-Esteem and Bullying, to Teen Homelessness and Being a Gentleman.

Every episode is fresh and full of great advice and inspiration. Visit to catch up with all of the episodes and great articles and content, tell a friend, and be sure to leave a comment on the Gimme MO’ site to lend your voice to the MO’vement!

Monique is such an amazing influence, showing how important it is to give back in ways that can enrich the lives of others. She is also on the Gimme MO’ tour, visiting schools and spreading the inspirational message that youth can make a difference, and giving them a platform to be heard. For Veteran’s Day she gave her time to Mission Serve and USO, welcoming home troops and serving meals. Check out a shout out video she did below:

We love that Monique is passionate not only about youth, but all of her about her supporters. Check out the shout-out video she gave to Dreamer ENT below. We’re honored to help spread the word! To all of our Dreamer ENT readers – be sure to join MO’vement!

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Lip-Dub Fun For a Cause: Martin High School’s One-Take Music Video

What better way to bring together an entire school then a little bit of fun and lip-synching? Watch this cool music video featuring almost 4,000 students and staff at Martin High School in Arlington, Texas. The idea for creating the video was sparked when the students told administrators that there was “no sense of community or family” at the school, and this could cause serious problems like bullying and isolation.

Shot in one take, the special “Lip Dub” video includes every student, teacher and staff member in the school, with select students taking turns lip-synching songs, and everyone else having fun and creating excitement in the background. The video is pretty awesome and creative, especially the cause of building community! (We’re just wondering who is going to clean up afterwards?;)

Here’s a little bit more about the story from WFAA, the local Dallas news station:

“As humans, we’re social beings,” said Martin senior Chris Leyda. “Things go wrong when we’re not in contact with others.”

Chris said he’s seen how easy it can be to become disconnected and isolated. Experts say that can lead to bullying, or just plain indifference.

“There was a kid that has autism, and he felt like he was picked on, and he literally told me that I was the only friend he’d talked to in a year or so,” Chris said.

You might see that kid in this video, or someone like him. The video shoot was enormous fun, with enormous benefits.

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You Rock! Congrats to Adele’s Literacy Library

Congratulations to 15-year-old Adele Taylor, Founder/CEO of Adele’s Literacy Library (A.L.L.) a young dreamer and doer who we interviewed a few months back. Adele recently received an award from the organization Black Girls Rock, Inc. for Making A Difference in the community through her A.L.L. project promoting literacy. You can watch Adele being honored on November 7, 2010, BET 8pm Eastern 7 Central when BET will air its inaugural Black Girls Rock Awards.


“I am so thrilled and completely honored! I could not believe it when BET called to tell me that they wanted to recognize me for the work that I do with literacy!” Adele exclaims about finding out about the award.

“I met KeKe Palmer, Raven Symone, DJ Beverly Bond and even Ms. Debi Lee, Ms. Ruby Dee and so many more stars or should I say “Rockin Ladies!” giggled Adele. “This show will not only be a true testament to African American women, but to ALL women regardless of race”.

Read A.L.L. about the honor Adele is receiving below. Congratulations Adele, you truly do rock!!!

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