You Rock! Congrats to Adele’s Literacy Library
Congratulations to 15-year-old Adele Taylor, Founder/CEO of Adele’s Literacy Library (A.L.L.) a young dreamer and doer who we interviewed a few months back. Adele recently received an award from the organization Black Girls Rock, Inc. for Making A Difference in the community through her A.L.L. project promoting literacy. You can watch Adele being honored on November 7, 2010, BET 8pm Eastern 7 Central when BET will air its inaugural Black Girls Rock Awards.
“I am so thrilled and completely honored! I could not believe it when BET called to tell me that they wanted to recognize me for the work that I do with literacy!” Adele exclaims about finding out about the award.
“I met KeKe Palmer, Raven Symone, DJ Beverly Bond and even Ms. Debi Lee, Ms. Ruby Dee and so many more stars or should I say “Rockin Ladies!” giggled Adele. “This show will not only be a true testament to African American women, but to ALL women regardless of race”.
Read A.L.L. about the honor Adele is receiving below. Congratulations Adele, you truly do rock!!!
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Girls Talk About Bullying
Bullying – maybe you’ve experienced it first hand or have seen it happen at your school. No matter how you’ve come across it, bullying can have serious effects on those who become victims, as recent sad news reports have shown of young people even losing their lives as a result.
I remember seeing others being bullied in middle and high school and even had my share of being teased at times – in both types of situations it was not funny and it did hurt. Like the old saying says sticks and stones can break your bones – but words can hurt too – a lot. What do you do when you are being teased or see someone who is?
In the videos below girls talk about their experiences with cyber-bullying and how makes them feel:
Watch this anti-bullying video below – what will you do at your own school to help stop bullying?
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Girls Inc. Girl’s Rights Week
Today, May 7, closes Girls’ Rights Week, founded by the organization Girls Inc. The week was created to empower girls to advocate for their rights and create positive change in the world.
This year the theme is “Healthy Girls, Healthy Communities” focusing on empowerment through focus on physical activity, nutrition, body image, and managing stress. Girls around the country took the time to determine the resources available in their communities to encourage physical activity and came up with findings as to why some girls might not have access to these resources. Girls Inc. National Scholars also met with First Lady Michelle Obama’s staff to present their findings.
Even though Girl’s Rights Week is closing why not think of ways you can continue to create a healthy body and community in the upcoming weeks. Maybe you can make a decision to start picking healthier snacks like fruits, taking time to exercise regularly, or getting together with friends to volunteer in the community, possibly cleaning up a park or planting a garden. Also check out the Girls’ Bill of Rights below and this video from the Girl Power Studio where girls and girl power motivator Kelsie Morales give an inspiring message:
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Mother’s Day Craft – Make a Stationery Set for Your Mom
Mother’s Day is around the corner – on May 9th. Why not personalize your gift to your Mom by making creative stationery and a handmade card? You can decorate it with ribbon, dimensional stickers, or painted flower stamps as shown below.
Check out this video from TV’s Craft Club with step-by-step instructions on how to make a special stationery set. Get creative and show your Mom how much she means to you!
Similar Home-Made Gift Ideas:
– Print up a special poem or “World’s Best Mom Award” on pretty paper and stamp the edges of the paper with flower designs like in the video. Frame the poem when it’s dry and give it to your mom as a special gift she can hang in her room or office.
– Instead of stamping paper, why not buy fabric paints and stamp colorful flowers onto an apron, canvas bag or t-shirt? You can use a fine bristle brush or fabric marker to write your mother’s name to make a personalized piece of art she can wear.
– Get a large poster board and cover it with colorful flower stamps as shown in the video above. Print out pictures of you and your siblings and glue them onto the board to create a collage of photos. You can also buy an affordable frame from somewhere like Wal-mart to make your masterpiece even more special.
(Note: All of the art supplies mentioned above can be found at your local Michaels, or other art supply stores.)
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Links We Love: Teen Baker & Tween Bloggers
Here are some cool links and stories of young dreamers to inspire you:
Sweet Success
Check out this article, Teenage baker turns hobby into profitable company and video about a teen girl from Florida who runs her own bakery, and has more than 50 clients that range “from music superstars to local civic clubs.” Visit her website Shea’s Bakery (via NBC WPTV).
Presidential Bloggers
Check out the “Malia and Sasha Fan Club” blog by two tween sisters whose creative coverage of the President’s daughters got them invited to the White House for the Easter Egg Roll 2010 (click here to see pictures and videos of their journey). The blogging duo even published a book called Our Journey with Radiance and Rosebud, and were featured on ABC News Nightline and other news outlets. Though they still haven’t been able to meet the Obama girls they’re still blogging away hoping their dream will come true.
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